The KryonEngine
The Open-sourced Magnetic Free Energy Device for New Earth
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The KryonEngine is a mechanical device which generates New Earth's first (heretofore undisclosed and taught/believed to be impossible) real Perpetual movement (French: "Mouvement perpétuel", German/Latin: "Perpetuum mobile") thanks to an intelligent arrangement of magnets, such as permanent magnets or electromagnets.
It is the first device publicly disclosed to mankind to produce free, unlimited and clean energy, by arranging
- a 1st set of stationary dipole magnets arranged in a circle, rotating around their respective geometric center axis, and
- a 2nd set of dipole magnets rotating (a) around their respective geometric center axis at twice the speed of the magnets of the 1st set and in the opposite direction, and rotating (b) as an ensemble in a circle formation around the circle's center axis, whereby each magnet passes consecutively next to each of the magnets of the 1st set,
in such a way that the magnets of the 1st set first attract and then repulse any given magnet of the 2nd set, and vice versa, resulting in a continuous perpetual circular movement for each one of all magnets involved as well as for the ensemble of magnets in the circle formation.
The appropriate Coils (or complete Electric generators) can be integrated with any of the rotating magnets or elements in order to convert the kinetic energy generated by the magnetic push-and-pull forces into electricity by applying Faraday's Law of Induction.
Configuration examples
The below examples show the top views of possible configurations of a KryonEngine.
Note (regarding the below illustrations):
- For the purpose of improved readability, bar magnets are shown. In reality, diametrically magnetized ring/disc magnets (whose outlines are indicated by the dashed lines) must be used.
- Proportions are not actual.
Example 1 (simplified for easy understanding)
- This example shows a KryonEngine configuration featuring 1 Wheel linking 4 Wheelmagnets, and 4 KryonGates having 2 Gatemagnets each.
- All KryonGates are located in the x-y plane.

Download all frames of this animation (.zip)
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Example 2 (preferred)
- This example shows a KryonEngine configuration featuring 1 Wheel linking 4 Wheelmagnets, and 16 KryonGates having 2 Gatemagnets each (optionally: only 1 Gatemagnet per KryonGate).
- Unlike in Example 1, only half of all KryonGates are located in the x-y plane (magnets in pale color), the other half of the KryonGates being oriented along the z-axis (magnets in full color) and thus only show their top Gatemagnets (the ones below are hidden in this top view).
A cross-section through the Wheel would reveal the resulting "+ configuration" which becomes evident by superimposing the 2 orientations of consecutive KryonGates. These rotationally offset KryonGates cancel out a "speed bump" which - depending on the chosen proportions of a given build - may occur around Position 0, due to a slightly increasing (respectively decreasing) value of the spatial Distance D. Download and use this spreadsheet model (.zip) to understand how the value of the spatial Distance D behaves approximately.
Another way to cancel out this "speed bump" is to use electromagnets which can be switched off and on around Position 0, see this answer. - Note: All KryonGates must additionally be "rotated" 45 degrees around their respective center axis (tangent to the Wheel's ring), such that the above-mentioned "+ configuration" (shown in the below animation) that can be seen by superimposing consecutive KryonGates in a cross-section, becomes a "x configuration" which results in perfectly symmetric magnetic forces. For a better understanding of the required "x configuration", see the comparison of the "+ configuration" and the "x configuration" in the illustration: Wheel cross-sections. Additionally, you can also see the required "x configuration" in the illustration of the Build concept (cross-section).
- Proportions are not actual: For the given magnet size, this example would require approximately double the radius shown (as a result of the behavior of the Distance D).

Download all frames of this animation (.zip)
Build concept (cross-section)
- The orange components (mainly: the Wheel, the Wheelmagnets' circular tube and the Gatemagnets) act as one structure which rotates around the Central Wheel axis [7]; the rotation is induced both via magnetic repulsion and magnetic attraction, as shown earlier.
- The grey components (mainly: the Gatemagnets' circular tubes and the Wheelmagnets) act as one structure which remains stationary.
- The inner walls of all 5 circular tubes carry guiding rails in the form of a single helix. These guiding rails are helix segments which cover only that half of the circular tube that is opposite the tube's open slot. The guiding rails of the 4 Gatemagnet tubes require a different geometry than the guiding rails of the Wheelmagnet tube (due to the difference in the required rotational speeds of their respective contained disc magnets). Also, the guiding rails of the 2 outer Gatemagnet tubes require a different geometry than the guiding rails of the 2 inner Gatemagnet tubes (due to the difference in the circular tubes' radius).
- The rotation of the Wheel continuously pushes 1 tiny guiding wheel [2] per disc magnet [3] [4] along 1 helix-shaped guiding rail segment; the helix guiding rail segments are shaped in such a way that the precise coordination of the rotation of all Gatemagnets and Wheelmagnets is obtained, as demonstrated in the 2D and 3D animations.

A mechanical build of a KryonEngine generally consists of
- at least one circular Wheel consisting of several spokes connecting a peripheral ring to its center axle and rotating around its geometric center axis;
- one ore more Wheelmagnets (dipole magnets such as bar magnets but ideally: diametrically magnetized ring/disc magnets) whose respective geometric center axis are tangent to the circle described by the Wheel's ring and equal to their respective rotational axis around which they rotate at equal speeds in such a way that their respective North and South poles’ resulting spatial trajectory describes a (potentially irregular) circular and closed double-helix that is twisted around the circle which is defined by the Wheel’s ring (this double-helix movement can be induced by guiding one or two given points of the Wheelmagnet’s periphery with one or two rails whose trajectory describe a helix respectively a double-helix twisted around the circle which is defined by the Wheel’s ring); a Secondary Wheelmagnet with identical properties, positioned behind the first Wheelmagnet adjacently or slightly distanced, at a relative rotational angle defined by the relative distance (to the first Wheelmagnet) applied to the given geometry of the double-helix may additionally support the movement through the KryonGates by adding to the obtained forward momentum of the Wheelmagnets an additional force of attraction respectively repulsion;
- one ore more stationary KryonGates (definition: see below) through which the Wheelmagnets pass and which are arranged in a circle. Note: KryonGates do not have to be situated in the x-y plane, as shown in Example 1: As shown in Example 2, they can also be "rotated" 90 degrees around their respective center axis (tangent to the Wheel's ring) in order to be oriented along the z-axis (respectively 45 degrees in order to obtain a diagonal position);
- one or more electric generators which can be connected to the Wheel's axle or be obtained by applying the appropriate coils to any of the rotating magnets involved, thus converting the generated kinetic energy into electricity by applying Faraday's Law of Induction.
A KryonGate consists of one or two stationary Gatemagnets. Gatemagnets are dipole magnets (such as bar magnets but ideally: diametrically magnetized ring/disc magnets) that
- are located in planes that intersect at and with the Wheel’s center axis; if they belong to the same KryonGate, then they share the same plane and their geometric center axis are parallel to each other and positioned equidistantly on the periphery of a circle whose center axis is tangent to the circle defined by the Wheel’s ring and whose radius’ length is equal to the minimum distance that allows for the moving Wheelmagnets to pass without collision or friction;
- rotate around their respective geometric center axis, in the same direction which corresponds to the opposite direction of the rotation of the Wheelmagnets, at equal speeds which correspond to precisely half the speed of the rotation of Wheelmagnets, a proportion which can be ensured by applying the appropriate coupling mechanism to the rotational movement of the Wheel (and thus its Wheelmagnets) and the rotational movement of the Gatemagnets (Note: This coupling mechanism is required, but documented only for the Linear KryonGate concept);
- have their respective rotational positions calibrated (via the above mentioned coupling mechanism) to those of passing Wheelmagnets, at the moment they all share the same plane, such that the straight line passing through all magnetic poles of the given Gatemagnets has a 90 degree angle relative to the line defined by the magnetic poles of the passing Wheelmagnet;
- attract their closest respective Wheelmagnets that are moving towards them and repulse their closest respective Wheelmagnets that are moving away from them, resulting in a combination of push and pull forces which propel all Wheelmagnets in the forward direction and thus induce the rotational movement of the Wheel.
The movement of a Wheelmagnet through a KryonGate (which in this case is composed of 2 Gatemagnets) can be described by the sequence of its 5 key positions, as depicted by the 5 illustrations shown below (each showing both the top view and the front view):
Note (regarding the below illustrations):
- For the purpose of improved readability, bar magnets are shown. In reality, diametrically magnetized ring/disc magnets (whose outlines are indicated by the dashed lines) must be used.
The proportions and distances between the 5 key positions in an actual build must be chosen such that - throughout the entire movement - the spatial Distance D between the attracting (respectively repulsing) magnetic poles (download and use this spreadsheet model (.zip) to understand it) never falls below the value of Distance Dmin as shown (in green color) in Position 0. If it however does, then it becomes necessary to add KryonGates that are rotationally offset, i.e. by 90 degrees, as shown in Example 2, or to use electromagnets which can be switched off and on accordingly, around Position 0.

The significance of the universal fractal Torus field geometry pattern
When you observe the movements of the magnetic poles of all Wheelmagnets and the movements of the magnetic poles of all Gatemagnets, you will notice that the resulting magnetic fields of each one of these counter-rotating "ring formations" constitute an integrated magnetic Torus field in continuous (perpetual) geometric evolution that gives rise to the 3-dimensional "infinity loop" (often represented as a simplified 2-dimensional version by the Infinity symbol and the Yin and yang symbol).
The significance and the fundamental role of this geometry in the context of the perpetual flow of energy (that is due to magnetic and electrical charges) throughout the universe (and the multiverse) - and at all apparent "scales" - is discussed by Meredith Lego who publishes transmissions (received from Ascended Master Hilarion via telepathic connection) in her book "The Science of Ascension - Teachings of Ascended Master Hilarion", and in this video:
"One weekend during a meditation, I was clairvoyantly shown a rather complex vision of a white and black hole. See Figure 1 and Figure 2.

Figure 1: The Invisible Road

Figure 2: "The Invisible Road" - A phrase used by Hilarion to describe the flow of energy in such a way to create polarity. Energy or photonic light moves through the toroidal field in an infinity pattern which keeps the energy moving through a push/pull due to magnetic and electrical charges. The energy flow does not move in a vertical circle, but instead in an infinity loop. This occurs at a universal and quantum particle level. The quantum is a fractal of the universe. In Hermetic Law, “as above, so below”.
Q: Hilarion – I was recently shown a vision of an infinite energy flowing through a toroidal field between a polar opposite black and white hole. Can you please explain this and how it works?
A: Infinity is a powerful geometry that shows a construct of forever energy flow… forever source. The energy moves between a zero-point field in the middle in which positive polarity and negative polarity, or male and female energies, intersect and move into rotation. It is creation through the feminine energy and motioned through action. It acts as a continuous push/pull of the energy field. As the negative charged magnetic energy makes the turn of the circle, it is pulled or attracted into the positive electric charge of the opposing loop.
Zero point is the balancing or the merging of magnetic and electrical in one point. This is the point you are achieving now on your planet.
The rotational flow of energy moves at multiple levels in fractals – at the sub-atomic particle level all the way to the largest universe. In essence, this motion forces the polarity in your universe and hologram/illusion. It also shows how balance will always be achieved.
Infinity = continuous engine for polarity in this universe experience
Q: Is this geometric engine only tied to the first through fourth dimensions, in which our experience of polarity is more extreme?
A: No, dear one. Polarity is a construct in the hologram you exist in regardless of dimension or density. The degree of polarity may be greatly diminished in the higher density or dimension, but it still exists.
Polarity is not as significant to higher dimensional beings because they perceive challenges and energy exchanges in a very different manner than most third- or fourth-dimension humans. The gravitational tug of polarity is seen as a life cycle of creation, experience, processing and death to create/manifest a new experience. Challenges are not a threat, but rather an energy flow and a oneness with self. There is no judgment of experiences, and as such, beings experience in the zero-point field, in the intersection point observing the flow around them. They live on the line between the Yin and the Yang, so to speak.
Q: How can this understanding help everyday humans?
A: Knowing this energy flow will always cycle between magnetic (-) and energetic (+) is a key understanding to know how to maintain balance in the mind, emotion and physical bodies during the flow.
Seeking this as an ever-constant process means “the universe is not working against you”. Rather, you can flow energy to manifest the cycle of creation, experience, processing and death or integration. Then, you rebirth with a new awareness.
This same understanding can apply to your scientists – quantum, astronomy or physical. Cycles may be longer or shorter depending on the placement within the fractal. The process is the same at the atomic level all the way to the universe and multi-universe level. The cycle, or perception of time, is also dictated by the amount of time interval to create, experience, process and integrate an experience or challenge.
This is the energetic/scientific law of your hologram construct. The dynamics are much different on another hologram, governed by a different construct, set of universal laws and geometric shapes."
The Linear KryonGate: A mechanical concept
The 5 key positions of the KryonGate shown above may be implemented by assembling a build of a Linear KryonGate as shown below (top view & side view). Recommendation: Extend this concept to represent a full section of the Example 2 (in a linear version, using the "+ configuration" or the "x configuration" should yield identical results because symmetry is maintained in both cases).

How it works
Magnet [1] (mounted onto the Lead screw nut [2]) is magnetically attracted to Magnets [3] and [4], thereby gliding towards them, guided by the High-helix lead screw [5] and the Linear shafts [6] and [7].
The linear movement of the Magnet [1] along the High-helix lead screw [5] induces a rotation on the Lead screw nut [2] and the Magnet [1] which is then transmitted to
- the Linear shafts [6] and [7],
- the Cogwheels [8], [9], [10], [14],
- the Linear shafts [11] and [15],
- the Magnets [3] and [4],
- the Cogwheels [12] and [13], and
- the High-helix lead screw [5],
thereby adding an additional rotation to the latter, which further increases the distance of the linear movement covered by the Magnet [1].
Constraints and important details
- The High-helix lead screw [5] rotates freely inside the Cogwheels [8] and [9] (the latter are exceptionally not mounted onto the former).
- Cogwheel [9] has precisely half the diameter of Cogwheel [10] or [14].
- Cogwheels [10] and [14] have identical diameters.
- Cogwheels [12] and [13] can be easily removed and replaced by various sets of Cogwheels with differing diameter combinations. This allows the engineer to increase or decrease the resulting total linear movement covered by the Magnet [1], which is useful to flexibly determine the optimal distances/proportions/trajectories.
- The proportions and distances between the 5 key positions in an actual build must be chosen such that - throughout the entire movement - the spatial Distance D between the attracting (respectively repulsing) magnetic poles never falls below the value of Distance Dmin as shown (in green color) in Position 0. The distance between Position -2 and Position 0 (respectively between Position 0 and Position +2) should thus be maximized.
- Use NdFeB magnets (the strongest kind) to bridge this maximized distance, but handle them with extreme caution to avoid physical injury!
How to calibrate and use the device
- Remove one of the Cogwheels [12] and [13].
- Bring the Magnets [1], [3] and [4] precisely into the "Position 0" (center position).
- Mount the previously removed Cogwheel [12] or [13].
- Manually move Magnet [1] into the "Position -2" (start position) and release it to observe the resulting movement.
- Replace the Cogwheels [12] and [13] by different sets of Cogwheels with varying combinations of diameters in order to determine the optimal coordinates of the "Position -2" (start position) and thus the total distance of the linear movement covered by the Magnet [1].
Potential disadvantages of this design
- The poles of the Magnet [1] in this particular design can only describe a regular double-helix movement, not an irregular one (which may be optimal or necessary, and could be induced by one or two guiding rails).
Why does this work? Why is this movement a perpetual movement?
The short answer:
It is best understood by observing the Example 2 animation: Every Wheelmagnet (the magnets that are part of the Wheel) is constantly both repulsed forward and attracted forward. Except for the usual forces such as mechanical friction, resistance due to air, etc., no major force opposes this movement to the point of canceling it.
The longer answer (a step-by-step explanation for everybody):
Before you begin, download all frames of the animation (.zip) from the Example 2 (preferred) section, and uncompress the .zip file. Then, open the first .png image file of the collection in your preferred image viewing application. This should allow you to navigate through the rest of the image collection (meaning the entire animation) at your own pace, by simply using the arrow keys of your keyboard.
First, consider the horizontally positioned KryonGates only, and mentally isolate the inner ring of their Gatemagnets. From this ring, mentally isolate any given 3 adjacent Gatemagnets, let's call them L (left), C (center), and R (right). Then, mentally isolate 2 of these 3, say L and C, and imagine that one of them, say L, does not rotate (imagine it blocked). How would C then behave? It would attempt to minimize the distance between the attracting poles of the 2 magnets (and maximize the distance between opposing poles), and thus, it would induce a rotation in the direction that would allow for this.
Now, mentally include magnet R, and imagine it blocked, too. How would C now behave? It would not rotate anymore, because again, it would attempt to minimize the distance between the attracting poles (and maximize the distance between opposing poles) of all 3 magnets: L would attempt to induce a rotation of C in one direction, but R would attempt to induce a rotation in the opposite direction, thus resulting in the equilibrium of C.
Finally, mentally complete the entire inner ring of Gatemagnets. Do you see how none of the magnets in this ring will attempt to rotate, because the entire ring finds itself in full equilibrium?
Next, compare the inner ring of Gatemagnets to the outer ring of Gatemagnets. You can see that the outer ring has the exact same geometry, and thus, it is itself also in full equilibrium.
Now, mentally combine the outer ring of Gatemagnets with the inner ring of Gatemagnets. What movement would result in such a configuration? Again, no movement at all, because both rings themselves already being in full equilibrium, they stay in combined equilibrium even when juxtaposed. (If you don't understand why: Simply take the above explanation regarding the equilibrium of any 3 adjacent Gatemagnets, and now apply it to any 3 adjacent KryonGates instead).
Finally, apply this whole understanding to the 2 rings of the vertically positioned KryonGates, and then see how the combination of all KryonGates (the horizontal ones and the vertical ones) still results in the full equilibrium of all magnets involved.
Then, go back to the first .png image file of the collection ("Wheel Position 1"), and mentally add 1 of the Wheelmagnets (here vertically positioned inside 1 of the KryonGates). What magnetic forces do now result? The Wheelmagnet is now gently both attracted forward and repulsed forward (as indicated by the gray and black arrows), resulting in a gentle forward rotation of the entire Wheel. Adding all other remaining Wheelmagnets then accelerates the Wheel's rotation. This movement can then be used to generate electricity perpetually.
The suggested geometry of any prototype is Example 2, but with the "x configuration" applied, as shown in the Wheel cross-sections and in the Build concept (cross-section). (The "+ configuration" is only used for easier readability of the animation).
But I've been told that free energy is impossible because of the Law of Thermodynamics.
Contrary to mainstream belief and deliberate propaganda efforts by powerful industries and governmental institutions, the Law of Thermodynamics can not be (mis)used to "disprove perpetual motion", if applied correctly. The correct application of the Law of Thermodynamics (a) refers to closed systems which (b) exist in a reality of which 100% is known and understood. Both (a) and (b) can only ever be true with absolute certainty in theory, but never within the limited perception of reality as it is experienced by humankind - in other words: How much sense does it make to think that a system which is observed in only 4 dimensions can never and will never be influenced by what is contained and happening in the many following (higher) dimensions? Daily scientific progress and discoveries prove that at any given moment, we only understand a tiny fraction of the entire reality that "surrounds us", and it follows that we can never assume that any kind of system we observe (a) is really a closed system and (b) is really fully understood.
Can your intellect allow for the scenario where the KryonEngine doesn't actually break this law? Can you imagine that there actually is no energy "coming out of nowhere"? Can you imagine that this "new" energy has in reality always been there, and that we simply haven't been able to perceive it, because we haven't been taught how and where to look and measure?
Can you imagine that magnets hold an energy potential which becomes visible to our limited senses only when we bring the magnets into a "special kind" of geometry?
Don't stay in mental prison cells, especially not when somebody else has built them for you.
What can KryonEngines be used for?
KryonEngines can power buildings (homes, offices, factories, etc.), means of transport (cars, buses, boats, airplanes, etc.), electronic devices (computers, TVs, in miniaturized form: mobile phones, etc.), and much more - at almost no cost (other than the cost of the initial acquisition and rare maintenance).
What do KryonEngines do for our health, environment and consciousness?
KryonEngines offer independence from antiquated, polluting and illness-inducing energy sources, such as nuclear energy (production of hazardous nuclear waste, currently still ongoing leakage of radiating material at contaminated sites such as Chernobyl, Fukushima, etc.), fossil fuels such as petroleum (air pollution from petroleum-fueled vehicles, engines, and industrial processes, as well as oil spills from tankers, pipelines, and oil wells into land and marine ecosystems, releasing toxins dangerous to humans and many organisms), coal (production of soot, smog, acid rain, and waste such as sludge, toxic chemicals, etc.) and natural gas (leakage of methane, groundwater near gas wells contaminated with gases and fracking fluids, etc.) and thus contribute to a clean environment promoting health, abundance and a higher consciousness in the global population.
How can I amplify the output obtained by a KryonEngine that runs on permanent magnets?
KryonEngines become powerful independent energy generators when a KryonEngine using permanent magnets is used to power a KryonEngine using electromagnets.
How can I operate a KryonEngine without using any permanent magnets at all?
Replace every permanent magnet by an electromagnet. First, manually rotate the Wheel until you have manually produced and stored enough electricity to power the electromagnets for a while. Then, use a fraction of the power generated by the KryonEngine itself to power its electromagnets (now making it run self-sufficiently). Alternatively, you may initially power the electromagnets by an external power source (wall outlet, solar panel, car battery, etc.), until the KryonEngine runs self-sufficiently.
What do KryonEngines mean for the future of energy grids?
KryonEngines offer energy grid independence (which is crucial for the well-being of the population of the United States of America and many other countries currently lacking the necessary infrastructure investments).
What do KryonEngines mean for the future of batteries?
KryonEngines offer independence from batteries themselves as well as from their toxic components and their explosion/fire hazard.
How do KryonEngines compare to energy sources such as wind power and solar power?
KryonEngines are Base load energy systems, meaning they provide a consistent and reliable flow of electricity anywhere, under any circumstances, especially regardless of any external factors such as potentially fluctuating climate conditions.
How do you handle the energy that is produced by KryonEngines 24hrs per day, 365 days per year, when you are not using it?
Push it to a supercapacitor (also called "ultracapacitor") for later use.
How are KryonEngines serviced?
KryonEngines maintenance mainly consists of regular greasing and the replacement of heavily used bearings.
What are my rights regarding the information presented about the KryonEngine?
The KryonEngine and the KryonGate have been put intentionally and FULLY IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, REPRESENT 'PRIOR ART' AND CAN THEREFOR NOT BE PATENTED. Any patent attempting to make any of the presented information, ideas or concepts proprietary can be invalidated immediately and in any country.
The information presented has aditionally been submitted to the Prior Art Database; as such it has been notarized and has received a legally valid publication timestamp. It has thus been made readily available to all patent examiners worldwide.
You have the right to use the presented information fully, commercially and without any limitation whatsoever. -
Why have you open-sourced the KryonEngine instead of registering patents worldwide and selling them for hundreds of billions?
Patents can be used to fully block the improvement, the propagation, the use and the resulting benefit and abundance of important innovations for The People. Even when the inventor who applies for a patent does not intend to do this, negatively polarized service-to-self factions of the government of the past/present have heavily applied this strategy: The US Patent and Trademarks Office has been used to hold up almost 6000 patents using the argument of "national security orders". The bulk of these suppressed inventions deal with Free energy, exotic propulsion systems, electromagnetic healing, and more. The result for humanity is: Unnecessary but entirely voluntarily induced sickness, suffering, poverty, a very low level of consciousness, and a heavily reduced life span - all of which maintains humanity in an extremely weak and vulnerable general state, which in turn facilitates its continued manipulation on a worldwide scale throughout many centuries.
Patents are also used for the aim of enriching oneself massively by monopolizing important inventions and thereby limiting the improvement, the propagation, the use and the resulting benefit and abundance for The People.
The Open-source movement works for The People. It maximizes the improvement, the propagation, the use and the resulting benefit and abundance for The People. It limits the power of service-to-self factions and supports those being of service-to-others. It is therefor fully aligned with the future of Humanity. -
What does Kryon mean?
The correct question would be: Who is Kryon? Kryon supports Humanity in many precious ways - not only by dropping hints about upcoming revolutionary technologies based on magnetism, such as (shallow depth) geothermal energy generation, (mass-scale) water desalination and magnetic engines. You are encouraged to tune in to the neverending stream of new free audio channellings. Also be sure to read Lee Carroll's answer to this question.
Has Kryon given you the information that is published here?
Kryon has dropped a couple of hints about magnetic engines in Lee Carrol's free audio channellings. The information presented here is a personal interpretation of those hints. It is the result of a mixture of personal intuition and intellect.
Are you affiliated with Lee Carroll ("Original Channel for Kryon")?
No, there is no affiliation with Lee Carroll ("Original Channel for Kryon").
What is New Earth?
Magenta Pixie provides a comprehensive answer on Rumble (or on YT).
Thomas Hardtmuth, on 9/11 2021